Designer & Full-Stack Developer
Hey, Full-stack Developer here, with a passion for creating b-e-a-utiful, functional and stylish websites and applications.
Experienced with:
Re cent Websites
Custom HTML Grid Framework mock-up using a custom built 12-column framework.
Technologies Used: HTML & CSS and JavaScriptMarcos Pizza
Website built for a Caribbean based Franchise of Marco's pizza.
Design by Avenii.comTechnologies Used: HTML & CSS, JavaScript and PHP
Website built emphasizing the core features of facebook. Friending, notifications, posting and commenting.
Co-author: Thaís Vieira AzevedoTechnologies Used: ERB & CSS, JavaScript and Ruby on Rails
Recent Web Apps
Web based Application using TMDB API to gather and manipulate information on various movies.
Technologies Used: HTML & CSS, JavaScript, React and ReduxFrameTech
Web app built to handle frame data for fighting games, Injustice 2 and Mortal Kombat 11.
Technologies Used: HTML & CSS, JavaScript, React and MongoDBBook Library CMS
Book Content Management System. Built using Ruby on Rails for the back-end and React-Redux for the front-end.
Co-author: Gerald GohTechnologies Used: HTML & CSS, JavaScript, React and Ruby on Rails
Web Games
The Color Game
A game based around RGB and Hexadecimal values with a highscore system made with JavaScript and MongoDB.
Technologies Used: HTML & CSS, JavaScript, Node.js and MongoDBBattleships
My take on one of the many popular board games, using ES6 JavaScript, hardcore CSS transitions, animations and sound effects.
Co-author: Eleazar MezaTechnologies Used: HTML & CSS, JavaScript
React powered tic-tac-toe that records all moves made and allows the retracting of moves.
Technologies Used: HTML & CSS, JavaScript and ReactWish to see more?